Fostering Wholeness, Empowering Lives: Harmonizing Well-being for Families,
Including Beloved Pets
Make the wellness of you and your family your priority this year. Click here.
Reiki For Your Pets
Reiki is perfectly safe to use with pets and is usually welcomed by them.
A healing session for pets usually lasts for around 40 minutes. This includes an initial discussion about your pets needs, a healing session and a follow up conversation with yourself to discuss the experience.
I currently offer this as a remote healing session. Reiki can be carried out remotely as energy is not bound by time and space. A remote healing will involve an initial conversation with the pets owner. I will then send the healing remotely as though the animal were with me. This will be followed up with a phone call to discuss the experience. To arrange this please contact me via my website.
A 40 minute healing session costs £25
It is very important that you obtain veterinary treatment for a sick animal and that you inform them that you wish to give them reiki healing also. The paragraph below sets out the relevant legislation with regard to treating animals.
The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 prohibits anyone, other than a qualified veterinary surgeon from treating animals, including diagnosis of ailments and giving advice on such diagnosis. However the healing of animals by contact healing, by laying of hands or distant healing is legal.
The Protection of Animals Act 1911 requires that if an animal clearly needs treatment from a veterinary surgeon the owner must obtain this. To give emergency First Aid to animals for the purpose of saving life or relieving pain is permissible under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 Schedule 3. (taken from the Reiki Federation Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice- March 2002)